We Are Asking To Change The System

We asked Obama and the democratic party to change the system.

Hope won our vote overwhelmingly in the election. Obama reached across the table to the Republicans to solve our crisis & the Republicans refused to work with him…. partisan politics failed ALL Americans. The Lobbyists own America through our politicians, financial systems, insurance & pharmaceutical companies, agriculture, it goes on and on.

The corporations that fuel this infected cancer on every single inhabitant on this planet, have assumed we will continue to be led by their duplicitous actions. They feed us sound bites & videos of  words that mean the most to us….Freedom, Family, God, Hope, Truth, Compassion, Justice, , Patriotism, ….twisted in just the right way to make us lose sight of the TRUTH of those words creating fear of losing it if we don’t trust them. How can we lose what we don’t have?

This the most evil energy is running our country and our lives. Isn’t it time to pay attention to American PEOPLE (not corporations recently deemed people)? Get out the pens & put down the guns.

We are asking our leaders to change the system. Partisan politicking is outrageously unpatriotic to our country. It is not about democrat or republican….It is about changing the system. Make no mistake about that. We can all watch how our elected officials work together to determine who is fired in two years. PAY ATTENTION & VOTE AGAINST your leaders who don’t put people first, not corporations recently deemed people. US! NOW! Demand it and talk about it with other people. Our children’s grandchildren will thank you for it in the end.

Make your list of priorities, conscience, ethics, and values. Cross off the “politics as usual” system by eliminating their employed emissaries.

Why would you vote for them if they are not voting for you?


© Terry Jackson-Mitchell and http://www.bringbalancetomylife.wordpress.com, 2010. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this blog’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Excerpts and links may be used, provided that full and clear credit is given to Terry Jackson -Mitchell and http://www.bringbalancetomylife.wordpress.com with appropriate and specific direction to the original content.

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